Monday, September 20, 2010

Another week...

This week is a continuation on last week's post. I'm still working most everyday to finish the paintings for the wonderful people at my mom's work. But please don't think that means I can't take new orders. I would love the opportunity to paint you a picture. Again, I can do any of the paintings you see here again. Or if you have an idea of what you want let me know and I'll work with you to make something that you will be happy with.

Please comment and let me know what you think or if there is something that I can make for you.

Blue Marlin

Cross 2

Bourbon St.



Zebra Monogram


  1. Sabe they are really great I love them

  2. Sabrina, I love them! Not sure but Jazz and Bourbon St may take over as my faves! I love you!!!!!!

  3. Cross 2 and Bourbon St are my favorites in this post! Maybe you should see about doing a franchise with Easely Amused or Painting with a Twist. Looks great!!!
